Cashew Butter and Jelly Chocolate Cups


Dairy-free, Gluten-free, Vegan

Cashew Butter and Jelly Chocolate Cups

Cashew Butter and Jelly Chocolate Cups

We all know that the way to the heart is through the tastebuds … er, at least I like to say so!

Every year, I like to make my honey a sweet treat for the festive Valentines holiday. This year, I was debating what to make while sitting on the couch snacking on a Hu Kitchen cashew butter and raspberry jelly bar when it hit me… why don’t I create a chocolate cup that combines the flavors in my favorite candy bar?

And there ya have it, my inspiration for these Cashew Butter Raspberry Jelly Chocolate Cups!

I hope you whip these up for the valentine, or galentines, in your life!

Cashew Butter Raspberry Jelly Chocolate Cups

Yields 12 chocolate cups

Prep Time: About 1 hour

Cooling Time: 3 hours to overnight

What you’ll need:

  • 6oz container organic raspberries, washed and drained

  • 1 Tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tsp honey [or maple syrup]

  • 2 10oz bags dairy-free chocolate chips (I use Enjoy Life Foods)

  • 2 Tbsp coconut oil

  • 1/2 cup cashew butter

  • Optional: freeze-dried berries for topping

What to do:

  1. In a mason jar or airtight container, mash together the raspberries, chia seeds, and honey until fully combined, store in fridge for 30 minutes until it gels up

  2. In a double broiler over the stove (or in a microwave safe bowl), melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together, stirring occasionally until melted through

  3. Line a muffin tin with silicone liners (I got mine at Ikea, but you can find them on Amazon). If you don’t have these, normal liners should be okay.

  4. To each liner, add 2 Tbsp melted chocolate and coat it up the sides of the liner

  5. Cover and set in freezer for 15 minutes

  6. Remove from freezer and top each cup with 2 tsp cashew butter and 1 tsp raspberry chia jam

  7. Cover and set in freezer for 15 minutes

  8. Then, top each cup off with 2 Tbsp melted chocolate (I drop the pan on the counter a few times to help settle the chocolate and flatten it out)

  9. If topping with freeze-dried berries, do so now

  10. Cover and set in freezer for about 3 hours or overnight

  11. Remove cups from silicone liner when ready to enjoy!

    NOTE: I recommend storing these in the freezer and not leaving them out in a warm environment for long, as they will melt

I hope everyone has a lovely Valentines Day, however you choose to celebrate!

Be sure to tag #wanderfullywholesomeeats if you make this for your loved one! Can’t wait to hear what they think!


Danielle Webb